Health and safety training for employees

GRI 403-5

In 2022, more than 57,000 Company’s employees took mandatory health and safety training with a subsequent knowledge check at education centres (up 21% y-o-y).

Structure of personnel trained in health and safety, thousand people

After Federal Law No. 311-FZFederal Law No. 311-FZ On Amendments to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation dated 2 July 2021. and other health and safety regulations adopted in Russia in pursuance of the law went into force, the Company conducted an unscheduled assessment of health and safety knowledge covering more than 380,000 of Russian Railways’ employees.

In the reporting year, the Company arranged for 200 of its line employees and managers to take advanced professional training in New Approaches to Managing Health and Safety at the Russian Academy of Railway Transport of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) focusing on practical recommendations for providing a safe operational environment.

To improve employee competence in health and safety compliance, Russian Railways has put in place a system of assessment sessions for middle level managers. In 2022, 124 assessment sessions were held covering 2,500 middle level managers. The Company trained 307 assessment session moderators selected from the Company’s health and safety specialists.

Efforts continued to test managers of Russian Railways upon their appointment. In 2022, at the Environment and Technosphere Safety Department, a total of 11 managers were tested, while at the branch level 686 managers were covered by the testing.

In 2022, the Central Committee of the Russian Railways on Health and Safety Examinations among Managers held seven meetings. In addition, the Central Committee invited for ad hoc examination 17 managers of Russian Railways units where fatal occupation injuries took place or health and safety violations were identified. Regional committees take similar efforts.

In the reporting year, training sessions continued with a view to fostering a safety culture. In 2020–2022, these covered 300 employees of the Company’s central and regional management levels.

Health and safety railcars

Russian Railways has 14 health and safety railcars, which are part of a single system to train railway employees. Health and safety railcars are mobile training facilities designed to provide on-site methodology and organisational support in training and examinations in health and safety using audio, video and computing equipment, as well as help with prevention measures in health and safety.