Ensuring equal rights for employees
GRI 406-1
In its operations, Russian Railways adheres to the principles of the UN Global Compact and the Social Charter of the Russian Business developed by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).
- The Company strictly complies with the Russian labour and civil laws and builds relations with employees based on mutual respect and commitment.
- The Company encourages and supports the social and cultural diversity of its employees, providing them with equal opportunities for employment, remuneration and promotion regardless of their differences and beliefs.
In accordance with Russian Railways’ Code of Business Ethics, heads of the Company’s branches and business units ensure equal rights and opportunities for all persons when they apply for a job or work their way up the career ladder, regardless of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, language, origin, financial and employment status, place of residence, religious and political beliefs. The Company takes a tolerant attitude towards ideological, personal and physiological differences of its employees.
Russian Railways does not tolerate harassment, insults, threats, or psychological abuse. In the event of human rights violations or discrimination, employees are entitled to contact the Hotline and make a complaint.
Improving conditions of work, leisure, and social support of women
Ensuring equal rights and opportunities for employees is one of the Company’s top priorities in HR management. In December 2020, Russian Railways approved the Action Plan to improve the conditions of work, leisure, and social support of women in 2021–2025Approved on 29 December 2020 (Minutes No. 2019). with the Coordination Council being in charge of improving the conditions of work, leisure, and social support of women. The Council holds regular on-site meetings, online and offline events for female employees and organises video conferences with railway coordination councils. These are effective ways of interacting with female employees and then developing and taking measures to improve their working conditions.
The Company participates in the Target Gender Equality programme of the UN Global Compact, which is based on the Women’s Empowerment Principles, seeks to enhance women’s contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals, and is aimed at optimising the corporate gender equality policy.
The Company considers changes in the list of jobs available to women to be an important step towards equal opportunities. Russian Railways offer women an opportunity to work as train drivers and assistant drivers on certain types of traction rolling stock, as well as choose other professions that had traditionally been associated with men – from lorry driver to overhead lines repair personnel. In the reporting year, 64 women were trained and employed as train drivers and assistant drivers.
2022 results in improving the conditions of work, leisure, and social support of women
- We improved sanitary conditions and amenities for women and opened 30 new rooms for functional and emotional unwinding.
- Over 2,000 women were transferred to flexible working hours and remote work.
- Over 3,000 female employees were provided with a “woman’s leave”One extra unpaid day off per month to which all female employees of the Company are entitled under the Collective Bargaining Agreement..
- 14 models of special workwear and footwear were developed for women. The Company approved nine technical specifications for models of overhauls and smocks made of lightweight fabrics, insulated waistcoats, high-visibility waterproof cloaks, lightweight and textile footwear.
- Over 2,000 female employees took part in the How To Be Successful and Happy corporate social event for improving the quality of women’s lives and expanding their areas of interest and competencies.
- The Company continued to equip its sports, cultural and recreational facilities with children’s rooms.
In total, more than 6,000 events were held across all six areas of the regional councils’ plans in 2022. Apart from women, the Company’s measures across its footprint cover their families, children and industry veterans.