Russian Railways is the largest railway carrier in the Russian Federation, the owner and developer of common-use railway infrastructure.

In 2022, the first Goodness Station social initiative centres were opened

Goodness Stations bring together volunteers and activists and welcome anyone who wants to share ideas and get support in implemening them. This is a place of attraction for everyone — from railway employees to those in need of help and support.
These dedicated spaces were launched to provide a platform for railway workers to gather and discuss volunteering initiatives, including creative projects, as well as to foster patriotism and promote intergenerational interaction among Company employees, their children, labour veterans, and partners.
- Workshops, lectures
- Environmental campaigns
- Sports competitions
- Thematic meetings
- Quizzes
- Excursions
At Goodness Stations, volunteers show retirees how to use the Service Portal, software and the internet.
Young people can take part in training and business games.
Clean Baikal Shores, a volunteering environmental campaign, ran for the second time.

Over two days in July, railway workers removed an unauthorised roadside garbage dump in Severobaikalsk while also cleaning the shores and bed of the lake. In addition, they beautified a municipal beach and put in order tourist trails.
- 24 cu m of metallifted from the bottom of Lake Baikal
- 6 dump trucks,engaged, each carrying 12 cu m of garbage to the dump
- 65 cu m of mulchmade by volunteers from dry trees
- 10 cu m of waste woodcollected by volunteers
In 2022, a large-scale Bring Joy campaign was launched

- Mini-quizzes on railway safety
- Various workshops
- Balloons, candy, gifts, and leaflets with railway safety tips
Retired railway workers joined the Company’s volunteering movement in 2019,

Our retirees continue to contribute to the Company’s activities as they become mentors to the young generation.
Our retirees continue to contribute to the Company’s activities as they become mentors to the young generation.
- Are actively engaged in social life
- Take part in projects to stay positive
- Help young talent at railway facilities
In 2022, Russian Railways’ volunteers participated in the 6th Russian forum of silver volunteering, the main event in this area for seniors.
- The forum named the winners of the Russian grant competition called Young at Heart, with Olesya Inokova, a coordinator of the Silver Track Gauge team from the South Urals Railway, coming first in the social projects category.
Traditionally the Get a Child Ready for School campaign runs from 1 to 30 August.

Since 2018, corporate volunteers have been collecting school supplies to support first graders from lowincome families.
Each year, the campaign is scaling up.
- >2,400 kids
- >2,600 kids
- >3,000 kids
In 2022, enthusiasts from eight domains joined in to get children ready for the successful first school year full of new knowledge, development and creative work.