Message from the Chief Executive Officer – Chairman of the Management Board of Russian Railways

GRI 2-22
Russian Railways remains committed to going forward, continuously evolving, and achieving a leadership standing in everything we do. The past year was no exception. It proved the Company’s ability to rise to unprecedented challenges and operate and grow robustly while honouring all its obligations.

Dear partners and colleagues,

With a focus on corporate volunteering, the year 2022 was a testament to just how important it currently is to stay together and care for people around us. Today, over 85,000 employees of Russian Railways regularly engage in volunteering. Coming from diverse professional backgrounds and representing all age groups, they all share the same commitment to helping people, our society, and our nation. Our volunteers are our most treasured asset. In the reporting year, we held over 2,400 corporate volunteering campaigns, including 42 network-wide activities. It is my firm belief that a kind heart and willingness to make a difference are a strong and powerful driver of transformation, with small deeds being one of the best social strategies ever. For Russian Railways, support for volunteering remains an absolute priority.

Care for the environment is another major aspect of our corporate culture. In today’s world, we aim to create a new paradigm, one where social responsibility is closely intertwined with the environmental security of present and future generations. The way we as a society approach environmental issues has changed fundamentally — they are now a real concern for many people. Employees of Russian Railways do their part in addressing this major challenge. 2022 saw campaigns marking the World Environment Day across the entire railway network in Russia. These included environmental clean-ups as volunteers worked to keep our local spaces, rivers, parks, and other urban locations clean. The large-scale Clean Shores campaign was also part of these efforts.

In the reporting year, Russian Railways once again reaffirmed its status as an attractive employer with a strong social focus: we raised our salaries and wages three times in 2022 and analysed our performance under the Collective Bargaining Agreement. All mutual obligations have been honoured in full. Russian Railways’ new Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2023–2025 was signed, retaining all the existing social guarantees, benefits, and support programmes for our employees and their families, veterans, and retirees.

We continue improving our framework for social support to women by providing them with comfortable and flexible working conditions that meet the needs of today’s world.

Russian Railways is firmly committed to sustainable development. Care for people, environmental responsibility, and economic development are all our major priorities and the pillars of our successful performance going forward. I am convinced that the decisions made in 2022 will help Russian Railways to continue to excel and benefit our society and nation at large

Oleg Belozerov, Chief Executive Officer – Chairman of the Russian Railways Management Board