Analysis and assessment of occupational risks
The health and safety management system is based on a risk-oriented approach that provides for a shift from reactive (i.e. damage compensation) to proactive measures by minimising employee exposure to production risks, and harmful and hazardous factors.
Branches of Russian Railways conduct annual assessments of occupational risks for the main types of hazardous occupations.
Occupational risks are calculated and assessed for each branch of the Company with a breakdown by regional directorate and their structural unit using the Occupational Risk Analysis and Assessment for Russian Railways Employees automated system.
In the reporting year, we updated the Methodology for Analysing and Assessing Occupational Risks of Russian Railways’ EmployeesApproved by Russian Railways’ Order No. 952/r dated 8 April 2022..
Structural units of Russian Railways branches carried out a comprehensive assessment and laid down acceptable levels of occupational risks for 2022 and developed lists of unacceptable and undesirable risks.
The measurement results were then evaluated and rated by the structural units of regional directorates and summarised in risk matrices for the main types of hazardous occupations.
Based on the assessment, the structural units of regional directorates developed activities to manage occupational risks as part of the Health and Safety Improvement Programme for 2023.