Youth policy
Employees under 35 years of age account for 36.2% of Russian Railways’ total headcount. This makes social support of young talent even more important.
2022 saw over 1,200 activities and projects carried out as part of Russian Railways’ Youth targeted programme (2021–2025) in order to ensure comprehensive development of and acquisition of industry-specific competencies by young employees, engage them in improvement of Russian Railways’ operations, and build a youth-oriented corporate culture. About 206,000 young employees from across the Group took part in the events.
To develop engineering and technical potential and engage young people in solving corporate tasks and innovative development, the Company organised a youth project contest titled New Link – 2022, involving over 4,000 young employees who presented more than 2,000 projects.
A key youth event was the 14th Annual Youth Conference of Russian Railways, which was attended by more than 600 young employees, representatives of seven foreign railways, and young employees from ten state-owned corporations and large companies. The conference was focused on the role of a young employee as a citizen, an active employee and a member of the youth community.
One of the conference’s main deliverables was a statement prepared by young people to declare their main principles, goals and objectives. The participants also presented more than 60 initiatives and ideas aimed at both improving the Company’s processes and developing the youth community.
In order to build a direct, open dialogue between associations of active young people and the management of Russian Railways, youth affairs committees were set up at the railways and the Company’s branches.