Management approach
Due to the increased importance of climate protection for the international and domestic agenda, lower GHG emissions and climate action were singled out as an independent area of the Environmental Strategy, which is a priority for the development of Russian Railways and an integral part of the Company’s policy in the field of environmental protection.
The reduction of GHG emissions, as an independent area of Russian Railways corporate policy, was included in the Environmental Strategy as a target parameter back in 2008. The climate is a comprehensive aspect that covers all elements and stages of the transportation process and railway infrastructure development.
GHG emissions monitoring, reporting and control
Russian Railways has in place and develops a system of GHG emissions monitoring, reporting and control. Since 2017, Russian Railways has been listed among state-owned companies involved in reducing GHG emissionsApproved by the Russian Government’s Instruction No. AKh-P9-5761 dated 31 August 2017. and submits annual progress reports to the authorised agencies of the Russian Federation.
Russian Railways’ structural units take an inventory of GHG emissions, with data aggregated at higher governance levels (branches and the Company).
The key driver of reducing GHG emissions is the Company’s balanced development as regards energy consumption and saving. Russian Railways’ Energy Strategy through 2030 with an outlook through 2035 sets out relevant goals, objectives and focus areas.

GHG emissions calculation methodology
In 2022, Russian Railways calculated GHG emissions on the basis of the Methodology for GHG Emissions Volume Measurement at Russian RailwaysApproved by Russian Railways’ Order No. 1602r dated 8 August 2017. In 2023, Russian Railways approved a new Comprehensive Methodology for GHG Emissions Volume Measurement (Russian Railways’ Order No. 726/r dated 24 March 2023). prepared in line with the Russian guidelines on the calculation of direct emissionsApproved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No. 300 dated 30 June 2015., and indirect energy-related emissionsApproved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No. 330 dated 29 June 2017., as well as methodological guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Emissions were calculated in relation to CO2, without taking into account other greenhouse gases, according to data on the consumption of energy resources. Such approach is permitted by both Russian regulations and methodological guidelines of the IPCC.
The methodology involved the calculation of two GHG emissions categories:
- direct emissions from burning fuel on stationary and mobile equipment in Russian Railways’ operations (Scope 1 under the Greenhouse Gas ProtocolGreenhouse Gas Protocol. Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.);
- indirect energy-related emissions associated with Russian Railways’ structural units purchasing electricity and heat from third parties (Scope 2 under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol).
Currently, the Company does not calculate any indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of construction materials, rolling stock and supplies, as well as any other goods (Scope 3 under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol).