GHG emissions

GRI 305-1, 305-2, 305-4, 305-5
Direct and indirect energy-related emissions, mt of СО2
GHG emissions per transportation volumes, kg of CO2 equivalent / 10 thousand gross tkm

In 2022, Russian Railways cut its total GHG emissions to 37.3 mt of СО2, which is a more than 45% reduction vs 1990.

Indirect energy-related emissions make up more than half of the aggregate emissions in terms of mass. In 2022, their share reached 69%.

The parameter of Russian Railways’ carbon intensity is a specific indicator of total direct and indirect energy emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of work performed (gross tkm). This indicator most accurately reflects the Company’s efforts related to low-carbon development, as it does not depend on the volume of services provided.

In 2022, Russian Railways’ carbon intensity reached 77.95 kg of CO2 equivalent / 10 thousand gross virtual tkm. This is currently one of the lowest levels of GHG emissions per unit of work among the world’s largest railway companies. This is mostly driven by a high degree of electrification of Russian Railways’ infrastructure, with more than 51% of the total operating length of railways electrified.

The Company is implementing an Energy Savings and Energy Efficiency Programme. The following two areas made the most significant contribution:

  • enhancing traffic control methods and technologies;
  • optimisation of operation patterns and upgrade of heating systems in stationary power generation.

Other important contributors were efforts to improve energy efficiency and the performance of locomotives; higher energy efficiency of processes and infrastructure facilities; and higher level of energy recovery on electric traction. Electrification of railway infrastructure reduced the volume of diesel-powered operations on a number of railways.

Shifting to new types of rolling stock is essential for reducing GHG emissions. To reduce emissions, Russian Railways purchases modern Russian-made rolling stock with improved environmental performance.

Along with upgrading its traction fleet by putting new locomotives into operation, the Company runs projects to create eco-friendly traction rolling stock. The Company is also designing shunting and mainline locomotives, passenger trains powered by hydrogen fuel cells, and hydrogen production and storage infrastructure.

In 2022, we also purchased steel rails made domestically with a 75% carbon footprint reduction compared to blast furnace and converter processes.

The Company is actively preparing for climate projects. In 2022, Russian Railways and Bauman Moscow State Technical University signed an agreement to set up a Bauman GoGreen Consortium. As part of that agreement, Russian Railways’ initiatives implemented from 2017 were reviewed to determine which of them may be classified as climate-related projects according to Russian laws. The selected projects are subject to further assessment to confirm their eligibility.