The school is open to everyone and the classes are free of charge. It is designed to become a platform for building environmental awareness and imparting practical skills. The school has sparked interest not only in the residents of Vologda but also people from other regions.
Last year the Vologda Region’s head-quarters organised 130 events, including 73 environmental activities which helped collect and recycle 85 kg of plastic lids, 170 kg of batteries, and 9 tonnes of waste paper.

“Each year people are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that environmental pollution is a matter of concern for everyone. Many would like to change their lifestyle so as to minimise their negative environmental impact, but they do not know where to start. At the Green Street School, we teach an eco-friendly way of living and responsible consumption. Guest experts provide engaging and accessible explanations about various types of household waste and educate attendees about separate waste collection arrangements. We discuss how to give things we no longer use a new lease on life and tell students about organisations that will gladly accept these items as donations. Finally, we introduce attendees to new interesting people — environmental activists whose lives are unthinkable without responsible consumption.”