Stronger employer brand
Russian Railways ensures the consistency of its communications as an employer by conveying the key attributes of its value proposition such as scale, opportunities, technological sophistication and care.
In a bid to improve its competitiveness on the labour market and become more visible for job applicants, in 2022 the Company developed and approved the employer’s value proposition – Russian Railways: Empowering Action-Minded Professionals. The document sets out the employer’s mission and vision, four key brand advantages (scale, technological edge, care and opportunities), and the role of textual and visual images in communications focusing on job opportunities at Russian Railways.
In 2022, we continued our ongoing engagement with university students and introduced new forms of career guidance activities sponsored by the Company.
- As part of the Russian Railways Week held on the sidelines of the nationwide Your Turn competition, the Russian Railways Team Telegram channel posted online lectures by the Company’s experts. The participants were also offered a variety of quizzes and challenges. Over 16,000 people took part in the event.
- The Company became the general partner of Changellenge Cup Moscow 2022, a business challenge championship, and offered Russian students a business case problem from Russian Railways – they had to develop a strategy for promoting railway tourism in Russia and making domestic travels more attractive for young people . The championship brought together 3,800 participants who came up with 30 potential solutions to the challenge.
- The Company organised career guidance meetings with the students of over 50 technical schools and vocational colleges.
In 2022, Russian Railways continued promoting its Career Portal ( as the key information platform for job applicants, university and school students.
Total traffic in 2022 exceeded 1.8 million people, while the number of application submissions doubled compared to 2021.
The main goal of building a stronger employer brand is to enhance the appeal and competitiveness of Russian Railways on the labour market, while also communicating the Company’s values to the outer target audiences (job applicants, university and school students).

The Company continues to strengthen its clout as a leading employer among major Russian companies. In 2022, 12 projects of our social and HR division won a number of prestigious awards. Listed below are the most important of them:
- HR Team of the Year according to the Crystal Pyramid awards held on the sidelines of the annual Summit of Russian and CIS HR Directors, an event sponsored by the RSPP;
- Dream Job according to InterComm 2022, the main intracorporate communications and corporate culture award in Russia and the CIS.
In 2022, Russian Railways continued to ride high in the rankings of Russia’s best employers:
for the fourth year running, the Company came in second in the people’s rating of Russia’s best employers compiled by VCIOM (Russian Public Opinion Research Centre);
for the first time, Russian Railways made it to the Top 3 most attractive companies for young people according to the people’s rating of Russia’s best employers compiled by VCIOM;
for the third year running, the Company tops the Changellenge rating of the best employers for students among logistics companies.