SASB content index

Topic SASB code SASB metric Metric or section and page of the report Comments
GHG emissions TR-RA-110a.1. Gross global Scope 1 emissions, CO2 Climate action – GHG emissions
TR-RA-110a.2. Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets Environmental management – Environmental Strategy: Climate action – Management approach, Prospects for reducing GHG emissions
TR-RA-110a.3. 1. Total fuel consumed, J Annex to the Energy Efficiency section
2. Percentage renewable, % 0.003
Air quality TR-RA-120a.1. Air emissions of the following pollutants:
1. NOX (excluding N2 O), t;
2.Particulate matter (PM10), t

1. from stationary sources: 4,543.6 from all types of sources: 107,743.6

2. from stationary sources: 63.03 from all types of sources: 63.02

1. NOX expressed as N2O
Employee health and safety TR-RA-320a.1. 1. Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) N/A The Company discloses total workplace injuries and total workplace injury frequency rate, along with injury frequency rate.
2. Fatality rate

Health and safety – Occupational injuries

3. Near miss frequency rate (NMFR) N/A The Analysis and Assessment of Occupational Risks section describes the process to assess professional risks and activities to prevent emergencies and mitigate risks
Competitive behaviour TR-RA-520a.1. Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anticompetitive behaviour regulations Not disclosed
Accident and safety management TR-RA-540a.1 Number of accidents and incidents Health and safety – Traffic safety, Non-occupational injuries
TR-RA-540a.2 Number of accident releases and nonaccidental releases


TR-RA-540a.3 Number of violations identified by state inspections or audits
TR-RA-540a.4 Frequency of internal railway integrity inspections